Path of Exile Necropolis Logo
by Martin Ortiz in
Guides ARPG Free-to-Play

Path of Exile’s latest league, Necropolis, brings a crafting, mapping and a campaign mechanic which can be an intimidating amount of information for new and returning players to take in. But while there are many moving parts, the Necropolis League doesn’t have to be too complicated. 

Today we’ll focus on a few tips for the Necropolis League mapping mechanic that could very well turn some Allflames into fuel for a currency printing machine. 

The strategy utilizes Ambush League’s Strongboxes to effectively “double dip” on the Devoted mobs from the Necropolis League. If that sounds confusing, here’s a simple rundown of the mapping setup:

  • Devoted Modifiers such as, “% chance to drop Divine Orbs,” become attached to whatever mob or Allflame that you assign it to. 
  • Ambush League’s Strongboxes when opened, summon mobs that are assigned to the current map. This means the Allflame mobs that you put into the map along with their Devoted modifiers will be summoned by Strongboxes. 
  • More strongboxes = More Devoted Allflame mobs. 

Here’s an example:

  1. I have a Devoted modifier that gives mobs a 2% chance to drop a Divine Orb.
  2. I assign an Allflame mob that drops Scarabs on death to that modifier.
  3. My Atlas Tree is setup to benefit both Devoted Mobs (Necropolis) and Strongboxes (Ambush) (An example Atlas Tree setup for this strategy will be linked below)
  4. Within the map, there will be the Allflame mob that drops Scarabs on death that have a 2% chance to also drop a Divine Orb, but there is also a chance that when opening a Strongbox, more of those Devoted mobs are summoned. 

For more valuable currency types, I tend to use Meatsacks since they end up dropping large quantities of currency due to their quantity multipliers. I’ve gotten stacks of 8-10 Chaos Orbs per mob using this method.

To fully optimize this strategy, we’ll be using an Atlas Tree that boosts all of the mechanics that we are looking to utilize. The Atlas Tree that I’m using at the time can be found here.

There are also many Allflames that can be considered the best to use for this strategy. The level and type of Allflame not only has a certain pack size and modifier, but also seems to have different levels of quantity/rarity. 

This means that for some Devoted modifiers, we will be wanting a larger pack size (additional % chance to drop currency) or we’d simple want one very strong mob which has a higher quantity/rarity associated with it (Armor pieces get converted into currency). 

Valuable Allflames to acquire In Path of Exile: Necropolis

While the community is still unearthing the best combinations to use for strategies in the Necropolis League, there is already a consensus based on the market prices for which Allflames are the most valuable to use. Official Path of Exile Trade links will be provided for each of the mentioned Allflames.

Even if you decide that you don’t want to invest into buying Allflames or committing one of your three new Atlas Trees to this strategy, knowing how the Ambush Strongboxes and the Devoted/Allflame mobs interact means that you can capitalize on the moments when you notice that your map has a valuable Devoted modifier on it. 

Many popular Atlas Trees being followed in this league contain Ambush Strongbox modifiers since they inject additional packs into maps. Without the additional Necropolis League Devoted passives, the benefits are still substantial and provide a sweet bonus to any mapper’s stash. 

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